Mission & Values
North-East Syria has been going through tough times for the past ten years. The power balance among Kurds, Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Yazidis, as well as women and men, shifts every day.
We at Arta therefore believe that it is essential that we do not limit our press coverage to news and politics. We aim to be a reliable and practical resource for our community, informing them of current events and addressing topics that concern their everyday lives, through deep and informed debates of all kinds of events.

Our Mission
We go after “the truth" but recognize that no one owns it. We also understand that not everything that happens during major changes is said. Our compass points to serving people through local journalism, by journalists who are familiar with their region and its complex entanglements.
Good journalism, we believe, has the ability to enrich, fulfil and diversify the lives of everyone who listens, reads or watches it. It can also strengthen, unite and make society more equitable.
Our Values
Arta for Media and Development is committed to balanced, impartial coverage, without prejudice or bias towards any political party, sect or interest group. We follow "the truth" wherever it leads us, even if it took a long time to do a story. We recognize that the best path is not necessarily the shortest.
Our audience’s trust is extremely important to us. Our staff’s daily actions and interactions, whether at work or in public spaces, contribute to the renewal of this trust.
Our work is based on open-minded enquiry. We believe in asking questions and seeking out other points of view. We believe that most things cannot be cast in the same mould. We are constantly seeking new ways to bring them up.
Our listenership and readership is geographically diverse and spread across a vast region. We value diversity and treat audiences with care and respect in order to help them understand.
Our journalism serves a local community, and requires the participation and expertise of everyone involved to achieve the desired goal. We are at our best when we work together and support one another.
Gender sensitivity
We adopt an advanced gender policy, and we firmly believe in justice and equality between all members of society, regardless of their inclinations and orientations.